Hyles livornica




Africa, southern Europe migrating north to as far as Sweden, throughout the Middle East eastward  through central Asia as far as parts of China and southern India


In between 6,5 and 8,5 centimeter


multiple flights between February and November or nearly continuously in the warmer parts of its distribution and in captivity. Do not try to overwinter the pupae.

Food plants:

Rumex and other Polygonaceae, Onagraceae (Epilobium, Oenothera, Fuchsia, Clarkia, ...), Vitaceae (Vitis, Cissus, ...), Rubiaceae (Galium, Rubia, ...) and many others (for example Gossypium, Beta, Linaria, Scabiosa, Asphodelus, ...)


Easy and suitable for newcomers. Keep warm, dry and clean.  Fast growing and ready to pupate within 3 to 4 weeks. Keep in spacious and well ventilated plastic containers, final instars better in netted cages. The pupal stage between the 2 flights is short (only 2 weeks when kept warm). 


winter rearing can be more challenging