Rothschildia jorulla



flies only in Mexico (Morelos, Veracruz, Tabasco,)


In between 8,5 and 9 cm


Usually only one flight, however in captivity emerging very irregular over a long period of time (several months to even more then a year)

Food plants:

Ligustrum, Fraxinus. In general this species does not do well on Prunus and chances of success are next to nothing.


An easy species. Rear warm (in between 25 and 30 °C during the day), dry and clean in spacious, well ventilated, plastic containers (or in a netted cage when older). Ready to pupate within 4 weeks (or less when kept very warm). The pupal stage can be very long (or not, depending whether they like your rearing conditions or not).


Synchronizing emerging of the adults