Gynanisa ata




reported from Central Africa (Congo (RDC), Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi). The species illustrated here is from the Dzalanyama forest (Malawi)


in between (10) 12 and 14 cm, males significantly larger then females. In captivity, when reared during winter months often smaller


one flight annually. The female was caught in the 3rd week of December. Pupal stage is very long. Moths in captivity emerge very irregular ('spring like' conditions are required, with an increase in temperature and humidity, but still relatively cool nights)

Food plants:

Prunus laurocerasus in captivity. In the wild reported on Fabaceae (Brachystegia, Julbernardia, Acacia)


Some experience is required.  Keep warm (minimum room temperature), in spacious well ventilated plastic containers. The caterpillars tolerate company very well, but need more space in the final instar. Keep dry (avoid condensation, wet leaves, do not spray). Slow growing, but this may have had something to do with the winter rearing and/or the substitute food plant. Ready to pupate within 8 to 10 weeks. When ready to pupate move to individual plastic containers lined with paper towels until they have pupated. The pupal stage is long, at least several months to more then a year (depending on rearing conditions). 


getting the moths to emerge