Dirphia avirosensis
described from Costa Rica, the exact distribution is still unclear. The animals depicted here originate from Costa Rica (La Fortuna)
in between 7 and 11 cm
in captivity more or less continuously, however fairly slow developing, resulting in only 2 to maximum 3 flights a year
Food plants:
Rosaceae (Prunus, Rosa, Malus, Crataegus, ...), also Quercus, Fagus, Carpinus, Salix and probably more.
In most aspects similar to Dirphia avia and thus a fairly easy species to rear, suitable for newcomers. Keep warm (minimum room temperature), in spacious well ventilated plastic containers when young. Older caterpillars can continue in large, plastic containers or in a netted cage The caterpillars tolerate company very well. Keep dry (avoid condensation and wet leaves, do not spray). Relatively slow growing. Ready to pupate within 7 to 9 weeks. When ready to pupate move to individual plastic containers lined with paper towels until they have pupated. Moths usually emerge within 4 to 5 weeks when kept warm, however if the conditions are less favorable the pupal stage can take several months (5 or even more).