Automeris lemairei




reported from the Mexican states Oaxaca and Guerrero only


between six and eight and a half centimeters


only one flight annually June/early July. In captivity in cooler regions often later (towards the end of summer). Cocoons overwinter

Food plants:

Robinia, Salix cinerea, Salix caprea


Not difficult, but some experience is required. Keep in spacious, well ventilated plastic containers. Watch out for condensation and do not give wet leaves. ,The container is best placed close to an open window to have a good air movement and cooling of at night.  A living room temperature is enough. Avoid extremes (not too cold, not too warm). Do not overcrowd, keep very clean and make sure the food remains very fresh. This species overwinters as pupae which are best stored in a cool, unheated room (frost free). Moths appear only after a longer period of warmer weather.


getting the moths to emerge