Automeris daudiana
Guatemala and southern Mexico
in between 7 and 8,5 cm
Only one flight annually at the beginning of Summer (June/July). Pupae overwinter
Food plants:
preferably woody Fabaceae. Easy to rear on Robinia
Like many similar species in the genus: easy and suitable for newcomers. Keep in well ventilated plastic containers in all instars, just let the containers grow with the size of the caterpillars. Do not overcrowd in the final instar. Don't keep more then 25 to 30 caterpillars in one container. The choice for plastic containers is more for the food plants then for the animals. Cut Robinia (or other Fabaceae) does not keep fresh long enough in a netted cage. This causes stress for the caterpillars, resulting in a higher mortality. When choosing for plastic containers, watch out for condensation. It is always better to use a larger container then to stuff too much plants in a too small container. The caterpillars grow relatively fast and will start spinning their cocoons in approximately six weeks. The pupae overwinter (in a cool but frost free room).