Automeris cecrojaliscensis
only reported from Mexico
between six and eight centimeters
one flight annually with cocoons overwintering
Food plants:
Difficult, not suitable for newcomers. Rearing cecrojaliscensis turned out to be somewhat of a challenge. Keep them below thirty degrees Celsius (day). Anything warmer and they immediately start to struggle. Same for when the food plant isn't fresh enough (you need to change the food on a daily basis). Same for when there's not enough fresh air and when it's not cooling of enough at night (always leave the window open). Actually, they pretty much respond badly to every little mistake you make. No room for errors here. And they give you plenty of time to make mistakes. They grow fairly slow. It takes seven to eight weeks before they start spinning a cocoon.Keep in spacious, well ventilated plastic containers. Watch out for condensation and do not give wet leaves. The pupal stage is long with the cocoons overwintering. Moths emerge very irregular from May into summer. In the wild there seem to be a peak around July.
everything, such sensitive creatures