Grellada enigmatica
an east African species, with records from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi and Congo (RDC). The animals depicted here originate from the Dzalanyama Forest (Malawi)
A large species. Wingspan males in between 6 and 7 cm, females much larger up to 12 cm + (occasionally 15 cm)
Continuously when warm and humid enough.
Food plants:
wild hosts are still unknown. In captivity easy to rear on Rubus, Rosa and Crataegus. Prunus laurocerasus is accepted, but the growth is slow and difficult with a very high mortality. Do not use if you have other options available.
An easy species. Keep dry and at room temperature in well ventilated plastic containers until they are approximately 5 cm, then move to netted cages. Never give wet leaves, never spray, never keep in moist conditions. For this reason it is absolutely necessary to move them to netted cages when older. Even a little bit of condensation can make them sick. The female caterpillars grow to an impressive size, but it takes up to 3 months to get there. The pupal stage is short: only 3 to 4 weeks.
none when kept dry