Phiala hologramma
a primarily east African species, with records from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Kenya, Congo (RDC). The animals depicted here originate from the Dzalanyama Forest (Malawi) where they are usually more frequently seen from mid December to early January, but this very much depends of the start of the rains.
in between 5 and 6 cm
Only one flight annually at the end of the year. Pupae remain dormant for months
Food plants:
many (herbaceous) Fabaceae and Lamiaceae. In captivity easy to rear on Mentha spicata, Cytisus scoparius and Medicago sativa
Not suitable for newcomers. Rearing the caterpillars is not the issue. Usually that should not give you much trouble when kept dry and at room temperature in well ventilated plastic containers. Some patience is required though: they need approximately 3 months before they are fully grown. The biggest issue is the transitioning from final instar to pupae. As for other Phiala species this can become a true massacre. It is not uncommon that 80% or more fails to pupate. Those that do, will remain dormant for months and require higher temperatures with an increase in humidity to wake up.
getting them to pupate